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What to do When the Sex Goes Away (III)
by Maris Lemieux

Extreme Frosts and How to Melt Them Last week we talked about an action plan for a partner who wants a little more sex in the relationship. It was basically instructions on how to conduct a two-week tease. And if your relationship is solid, minus a bit of the sex you're craving, running the tease program should get you into the saddle. People who have used this approach report that their partners surprise them by initiating sex -- partners who have previously been stand-offish or even cold. However, if you've got a relationship that's been freeze dried since the Ice Age, you're not li

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The ice melts when some one realises that they are safe,
that they are more than just a drill bit or a hole!
Trust and acceptance is vital.

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The ice melts when some one realises that they are safe,
that they are more than just a drill bit or a hole!
Trust and acceptance is vital.

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that's amazing.

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that's right.

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right you are.