Articles by DevilishForU

DevilishForU 63 M
5  Articles
Fucking Karin   10/13/2018

This is gonna be a multipart story..... We met on messenger.....

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DevilishForU 63 M
5  Articles
Finding the G-spot   10/9/2018

One of my favorite activities is licking a clit. I really enjoy slipping a few fingers inside her and trying to find her g-spot. Anybody have any good suggestions?

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DevilishForU 63 M
5  Articles
Has anyone had luck with pelvic floor exercises   10/8/2018

I've heard lots about pellvic floor exercises....what's your experience? Do they help?....Guys, do they give you more control?

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DevilishForU 63 M
5  Articles
Has anyone had luck with pelvic floor exercises   10/8/2018

I've heard lots about pellvic floor exercises....what's your experience? Do they help?....Guys, do they give you more control?

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DevilishForU 63 M
5  Articles
Interval training   10/1/2018

I've been a bit of a gym rat for the last decade or so. It never seems like I have enough time, though. One of my go-to workouts is inttervals...2 minutes going full out and 1 minute for recovery.

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