Articles by lasiren

lasiren 48 F
2  Articles
Identify an potentially bad idea   12/9/2008

I just want to alert the women here.

I met someone on this site, who seemed like a sweet, sane person. He has a very popular profile, and has many regular visitors to his pages. Initially, I

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lasiren 48 F
2  Articles
tight as drums   2/25/2007

I feel you, inside me, slick, pink, pulsating. I feel inside you, hot, clenching, rushing energy. My finger is snugged in tight, aiming you deeper into me. Blackstraps and twisting spines. Geom

0 Comments, 337 Views, 0 Votes
lasiren 48 F
2  Articles
best workout, ever.   2/13/2007

I wrote this last year for someone very special.

I'm in the gym, on the elliptical trainer. I'm wearing running tights and a little sports bra. I've got my headphones o

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