Articles by MissChelie

MissChelie 57 F
3  Articles
How do you....   11/17/2013

....Keep yourself safe when you are a woman dating couples or groups? What techniques work best to be sure you aren't getting into a bad situation?

0 Comments, 113 Views, 0 Votes
MissChelie 57 F
3  Articles
Does any body else......   11/17/2013

....have their own profile show up on their home page? Is this just normal or is there something wrong going on?

0 Comments, 36 Views, 0 Votes
MissChelie 57 F
3  Articles
How do you get to that first date?   11/17/2013

What techniques do you use to get that person to agree to meet? What is effective and what isn't?

0 Comments, 156 Views, 0 Votes