Artigos publicados por vikingluso

vikingluso 65 C
823  Artigos
One night in the swinger club   28/3/2008

We received that story from a friend (couple), and we cannot resist to share this fantastic experience with all our friends:

Look, we are still excited for that unbeliveble night. And we want

0 Comentários, 209 Visualizações, 0 Votos
vikingluso 65 C
823  Artigos
First Time at a Swing Club   3/11/2007

First Time at a Swing Club

What to Expect

If you are new to swinging and you are planning to go to your first club or party you may be at a loss as to how to fit in, and you may be n

0 Comentários, 201 Visualizações, 0 Votos
vikingluso 65 C
823  Artigos
Uma noite quente   27/10/2007

Esta historia que recordamos muitas vezes ainda hoje nos faz rir! como habitualmente fazemos, fomos uma noite ate ao Clube de swingers, sabendo que ao fim de semana se encontra bastante concorrido e d

0 Comentários, 316 Visualizações, 0 Votos
vikingluso 65 C
823  Artigos
Holidays around the world   5/9/2007

We are a fun couple who have been in the life style a few years ago. We enjoy socializing with others as well as great sex, we have meat some couples men and women and formed some long lasting friends

0 Comentários, 87 Visualizações, 0 Votos
vikingluso 65 C
823  Artigos
Food to fall in love   5/9/2007

If you’re looking to add a sexy spark to your evening, the key to more romance may lie closer than you think–in the food you eat that evening. No, we don’t mean aphrodisiacs; thos

0 Comentários, 52 Visualizações, 0 Votos
vikingluso 65 C
823  Artigos
Swinger terms   1/8/2007

Swinger Terms A - Z List of Swing Terms Terms Swingers Use

Here are some terms commonly used in the swing community as well as others. You are more likely to use/see these terms in the contex

0 Comentários, 155 Visualizações, 0 Votos
vikingluso 65 C
823  Artigos
Swingers and sex   11/7/2007

Swinger Sex is an experience, a lifestyle that involves loving one`s partner and having a strong and healthy relationship built on communication, trust, sexual exploration, and freedom. On the one han

0 Comentários, 240 Visualizações, 0 Votos
vikingluso 65 C
823  Artigos
HIV and the swinger community   6/7/2007

I found this article in the internet, and I want to sahre this information with all of you. (It's not an original, this is only a few part of the main article, but I think the theme is important for a

0 Comentários, 88 Visualizações, 0 Votos