Article de Membre:Pain is gain Publier votre Commentaire

Benzzzy316 31 H
4  Articles

Pain is gain


are bad. I've been on the wrong road for a last
few years. Fact: I dont have power of addiction. For some it takes something
special. Maybe you have to let God take over? I know the consequences. But seem to not care times. It's
not because "sad" that's the opposite.
having too much fun. everyday we have a chance to make that
day count. Have I taken action? I'll tell you absolutely.
But nothing has changed. Family is the only thing that will change . are used
to fill voids. Maybe that void is some beautiful there.
Hopefully watching The Phillies game. It's time for things to change

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spurchise 36 H
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Was a fwb with a girl who wrote me poems. So sexy and beautiful